rest 休息 xiū xí
rest 休 xiū |
cease 息 xí |
I want to rest 我想要休息 Wǒ xiǎng yào xiū xí
I 我 wǒ |
think 想 xiǎng |
want 要 yào |
rest 休息 xiū xí |
Sitting under the tree and resting 坐在樹下休息 Zuò zài shù xià xiū-xí
sit 坐 zuò |
at 在 zài |
tree 樹 shù |
under 下 xià |
rest 休息 xiū-xí |
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I would like to have a chat 我想聊一聊
Please practice pronunciation with videos:
on the table 在桌子上, on the chair 在椅子上
under the tree 在樹下, by the side 在身旁
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